Rules & Regulations

Admission & Withdrawal: -

1. Admission to a class is restricted by certain Government regulations and by conditions of age, ability, and conduct.
2. The minimum age of admission to the LK.G. Is-3. Birth Certificate is essential for admission.
3. The age for admission to the First Standard is 5 years completed on 1st June with a corresponding increase for other standards.
4. The management reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for their action.
5 No Leaving Certificate will be issued unless applied for in person by the parent or guardian in writing and after all the dues have been paid. Fees and due so long as no note of withdrawal is given and a pupil's name has been on rolls.

Discipline: -

1. The students must be punctual and regular in attendance. 2. The Students must be attentive in the class and they are expected to study the lessons taught and do the home work assigned regularly.
3. Students must be responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. Students should not bring any valuable articles to the school. School is not responsible for any personal article that are lost.
4. Every student is urged to contribute the high tone of the school by his/her manners, good work, paying special attention to personal and general cleanliness, politeness and courtesy.
5. During school hours, no student may leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
6. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral influence or actions, inexcusable absence, above all, discourtesy and disrespect to teachers, are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
7. Teachers and Students are allowed to speak only English in the school campus.
8. No student is excused from physical training, drill, recess period, all co- curricular and other school activities.
9. Any damage or disfigurement done in or about the school premises must be made good by the parents of the student.
10. Students coming late may not be allowed to attend the classes.
11. Except on Saturdays, all school days and for school functions each student must wear the school uniform

Recommendation to Parents: -

1. Parents are expected to co-operate with school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline, seeing to it that their children prepare their lessons and take an effective and helpful interest in the activities of the school
2. Parents are particularly requested to sign regular message reports sent by the teachers through diary. Failure to do so, may put their children to great Inconvenience.
3. Parents are welcome and encouraged to enquire about the progress and behaviour of their children in the school
4. All second Saturdays are set apart for parents-teacher's meeting. There will be no classes on those days.
5. No student or parent is allowed to give personal gifts to the teachers, nor should teachers accept such gifts.
6. Complaints if any must be made directly to the Principal and not to the teachers

Leave and Absence: -

1. No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from the parent for important reasons. Names of those absentees for more than two weeks without leave will be struck off the rollis. No leave will be granted for half day or part of the day.
2. After leave of absence students must present leave letter
3. In case of illness, students on returning to school must bring medical certificate
4. The principal should be informed as early as possible if due to illness student is likely to be absent for more than a week.
5. After every long holiday the student should be present on the re0pening day. Otherwise, a fine of Rs. 10 will be charged for each day of absence.

Examination & Promotions: -

1. Examinations are held during the year and reports are issued within fortnight. Promotion will be based on the averages of the marks obtained In all tests during the year.
2. No Student will be allowed to write examination unless all fees are paid
3. No student will be allowed to write examination when the progress report is not signed by their parents.
A Student should get at least 36% marks in each subject in order to pass. and 70% to obtain a distinction.
5. No Student may repeat the same standard twice. If a Student falls after repeating the standard, he/she will have to leave the school.

Bus Rules: -

1. The bus will run only to the stops of each locality and not to the individual houses.
2. Students not in time for the bus will have to make their own arrangement on that day to come to the school.
The same holds good in case of bus breakdown.
3. Bus fees must be paid in the first week of each month. In case of failure the student will not be allowed to board the bus.
4. Students, who are not regular in payment and those who make any damage will not be allowed to use the bus.
5. The Bus service must be hired for the whole year.
6. The parents should bring the bus card to pay the fees.

Fees: -

1. Fees are to be paid in advance, in the first week of each month. If the fees are not paid before the 15th of the month, the student is liable to be sent home and to be struck of the roll.
2. Student shall not be allowed to appear at the examination unless all fees are paid up to date.
3. Fees once paid will not be refunded-
October and November fees are due in October. February and March fees are due in February April and May fees are due in March.